The president has become discouraged with his current economic advisory team. He has searched the colleges and your name keeps coming up as one of
The president has become discouraged with his current economic advisory team. He has searched the colleges and your name keeps coming up as one of the very best macroeconomic analysts in the country. After summoning you to the White House for a personal chat, you are convinced to take the offer and join the team. Your challenge is to design a three-point macroeconomic program to improve the economy of the United States within the next two years. It will include the monetary and fiscal policies you hope to implement.
1. Write a general narrative that introduces your three-point program
2. Propose three different policies
3. Identify each policy as either a fiscal or monetary policy and explain why it was chosen
4. Explain the results you expect from each policy and what economic statistic you would use to measure each result
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1 The economy requires particular measures for it to be made stable Thus the government should ensur...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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