To answer this assignment, you have to refer to Management Functions and Management Roles outlined in Chapter 1. The part highlighted in red indicates how
To answer this assignment, you have to refer to \\\"Management Functions and Management Roles\\\" outlined in Chapter 1. The part highlighted in red indicates how you need to organize your answer. Do not copy examples from the textbook.
Part I
Think about any course you are taking this semester. Is your instructor for that course a manager? (Alternately, you can also provide examples of your work manager)
Provide examples in terms of: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. I have provided an example for planning. Try to think of another example of planning.
Example 1 (Planning) The instructor defines course goals
Example 2 (Organizing)
Example 3 (Leading)
Example 4 (Controlling)
Part II
Mintzberg identified ten roles that managers perform. These ten roles are primarily (1) interpersonal, (2) informational, or (3) decisional.Think about your manager or course instructor and provide 1 example for each of these 3 categories.
Example 1 (Any 1 interpersonal role) - Specify whether you are giving an example of figurehead, liaison or leader.
Example 2 (Any 1 informational role) - Specify whether you are giving an example of monitor, disseminator or spokesperson.
Example 3 (Any 1 decisional role) - Specify whether you are giving an example of entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator or negotiator.
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1 I will answer this question for the course named organizational management itself Planning As we all know planning refers to think in advance for th...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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