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Using the governmental- and proprietary-type funds, indicate which would be used to record each of the following events. GF General Fund SRF Special Revenue Fund

Using the governmental- and proprietary-type funds, indicate which would be used to record each of the following events.

GF General Fund SRF Special Revenue Fund DSF Debt Service Fund CPF Capital Projects Fund PF Permanent Fund EF Enterprise Fund ISF Internal Service Fund

1. Bonds were issued by the fund used to account for providing water to the residents of a municipality.

2. The fund that finances the city's basic day-to-day operating activities lent 650.000 to the fund that will provide city agencies with supplies on a user charge basis.

3. The city-operated utility that provides electricity to the residents of a municipality billed the city for electricity provided to city agencies.

4. The city charter requires all hotel taxes to be accounted for in a separate fund dedicated to maintaining the downtown business district. Hotel tax collections for the period were 6500.000.

5. Salaries were paid to the city's police officers and firefighters.

6. The state lottery. which operates like a business entity. sent a check for its net revenues (after paying lottery prizes) to the state. The state will add these revenues to general state revenues as part of the states program for financing elementary and secondary education.

7. Interest and principal on the city's general obligation debt were paid. using resources accumulated specifically for that purpose.

8. The fund that finances the city's day-to-day operating activities transferred cash to the fund that pays principal and interest on outstanding debt.

9. The city sold general obligation bonds to buy land as part of a city hall expansion program.

10. The city's central motor pool billed each city department for use of vehicles.

11. The state established a highway beautification program, to be financed by dedicating a new motor vehicle license fee to that purpose.

12. A wealthy taxpayer donated securities to a village, stipulating that the donation be kept in perpetuity and that the resulting investment income be used solely to help support the activities of glir library.

13. The state-operated toll road collected tolls of $1 million.

14. ErE. maintains a perpetual-care public cemetery fund. Income from that fund was transferred to the fund that accumulates resources dedicated to maintaining the cemetery.

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There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

Identification of types of fund 1 General fund 2 General fund and Enterprise fund ... blur-text-image
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