Using the information gathered from the SWOT analysis of American Airlines, create an EFAS table. Address the following in the table: 1. In the External
Using the information gathered from the SWOT analysis of American Airlines, create an EFAS table.
Address the following in the table:
1. In the External Factors column, list at least six opportunities you saw in the company you researched. Underneath the opportunities, list at least six threats you saw in the company you researched.
2. In the Weight column, assign an importance factor to each of these issues from 0.0-1.0 (1.0 is most important; 0.0 is least important). These ratings are based on the probable impact on a particular company’s current strategic position.
3. In the Rating column, assign a rating factor from 5.0-1.0 (5.0 is outstanding; 1.0 is poor). These ratings are based on the company’s response to that particular factor. It is a judgment call on how the company is currently dealing with each specific factor. Once again, you may need to make an estimate in this area if you are not privy to all of the information.
4. In the Weighted Score column, multiply the weight from column two by the rating in column three to get the factor’s weighted score.
5. In the Comments column, explain why a particular factor was selected and how its weight and rating were estimated.
6. At the bottom of column four, add the weighted scores for the external factors. Is the company doing better or worse than others in the same industry? Complete this answer underneath your table.Step by Step Solution
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External factors Opportunities Weighted Rating weighted score comments Sharing agreements 08 40 32 Sharing agreements with other well performing organizations in the industry such as Delta airlines an...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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