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What is the product that you plan to sell? The product i would like to sell is an organic keratin treatment made specially to a

What is the product that you plan to sell?

The product i would like to sell is an organic keratin treatment made specially to a pregnant or breast feeding person. during my own pregnancy i made a lot researches to what straightening hair treatment i could use, and all of them had chemicals that would not be safe for the baby. most of the keratin treatment contain formaldehyde and now the new invention is Botox for the hair. those kind of treatment have been banned in several countries including Canada and the European union due to high concentrations of regulated chemicals in them. it is performed in the united states, though there are regulations and have been controversies regarding the treatment. what foreign country do you plan to target?

Brazil and the united states would be my target. how will you sell the product in the country?

This product would be purchase through a distributor and shipped internationally to Brazil. therefore, in the united states it would be send by mail. is there some evidence that consumers in that country would buy this type of product?

As the Brazilian keratin was created in Brazil, yes. i feel like a natural innovation could have a positive impact with consumers in that country. do you need to purchase supplies or to hire labor?

I would need to purchase supplies and hire labor. as all my formulas would be manipulated in laboratories and than it needed to be tested and approved by the department of health in the united states. will any expenses you incur from producing the product be in dollars or some other currency?

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