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Write a paper that evaluates a continuous process improvement plan for a selected organization. Address the following in your paper: Explain the JIT philosophy. Explain

Write a paper that evaluates a continuous process improvement plan for a selected organization. Address the following in your paper:

Explain the JIT philosophy. Explain the metrics and processes that you will use to monitor and sustain planned improvements for the organization. Develop metrics to quantify the level of improvement needed in your selected processes. Compare and contrast various measurement techniques that can be used to measure and sustain the new To-Be process. Select one or two measurement techniques, and describe why they were selected for this organization. Describe Value Stream Mapping and how it can be used to improve the To-Be Process. Evaluate the most important parts of the Value Stream Mapping.

Recommend ongoing processes that will benefit the organization. Analyze how the organization can sustain continuous improvement by using the new, improved processes?

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JustInTime Philosophy Introduction Justintime philosophy which is known to be a Japangrown philosophy of management time has been applied to the activities undertaken by many organizations since the y... blur-text-image
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