Write a paper which addresses the following components: Consider your current or previous place of employment. Which types of flexible work options (e.g., flextime, compressed
Write a paper which addresses the following components:
Consider your current or previous place of employment. Which types of flexible work options (e.g., flextime, compressed workweek, job sharing, telecommuting, or part-time work) would be most appropriate for your workplace? Explain.
Which types of flexible work options are not appropriate for your workplace? Why? For each of the flexible work options that you identified as appropriate for your company.
Write an employee policy that details the guidelines an employee must adhere to when working on a flexible schedule include in your policy how an employee may qualify for a flexible schedule, what effect the flexible schedule will have on employee compensation and other benefits, and the potential consequences for poor or under-performance while working on a flexible schedule.
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Having been in the education sector my main duty involved the delivery of education services to clients at some local institution One of the best and most applicable flexible work options is getting a ...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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