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Write mission and vision statements for four companies of youre choosing. Companies like star bucks, southwest airlines, Costco, etc., are examples of ones that have

Write mission and vision statements for four companies of you’re choosing. Companies like star bucks, southwest airlines, Costco, etc., are examples of ones that have developed effective mission and vision statements.

Based on your interest in an industry, select three companies that you believe are leaders in their industry. Locate the mission and vision statements for each company.

First, review them and compare and contrast these statements.

Second, analyze what these statements from the three companies communicate elements of their business objectives, and other factors which reveal the direction of each of the companies selected for this task.

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There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

Mission and Vision Statements Introduction Thousands of companies all over the world nowadays have vision and mission statements These statements not only serve as business details on paper but also o... blur-text-image
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