You have been stopped by the police on an interstate highway for an alleged traffic violation. When informed of the violation, you do not believe
You have been stopped by the police on an interstate highway for an alleged traffic violation. When informed of the violation, you do not believe you committed it--or any violation. You produce the necessary documents asked for by the officer, who goes back to the police vehicle and returns to your vehicle with pen and citation book in hand. The officer has not begun to write the citation but begins asking routine questions: "Where are you going?" "From where are you coming?" "What is your occupation?" You notice that, to this point, the officer has not begun to write the citation. The officer then asks if you have any weapons or illegal drugs in the vehicle. When you say that you do not, s/he asks for permission to search your vehicle.
How would you respond? Would you give permission? If so, why?. If not, why not? Be detailed in your answer.
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Step: 1
In this case the police would have been allowed to search the car since he ...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
Step: 2
Step: 3
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