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You work in a medical clinic. Because of you expertise in database design, you have been asked to design a database to support the clinic

You work in a medical clinic. Because of you expertise in database design, you have been asked to design a database to support the clinic given the following information. There are several doctors that work in the clinic. ? For each doctor you need to keep track of their name, home address, cell phone, home phone, email, medical school attended, and the date they graduated. ? Additionally a doctor can have more than one specialty. For each specialty, you must track the name, date of last certification, and number of years the certification is good for. ? The clinic provides excellent care and has many patients. For each patient track the name, SSN, date of birth, address, home phone, cell phone, and insurance. Additionally, each patient is assigned to only one doctor, call the primary care provider. ? There are appointments. For each appointment you must track the patient, date of appointment, reason for visit, and the doctor the actually saw (normally the patient will see the primary care provider, but if they are unavailable, they may see another doctor) Use the seven step process discussed in class to design a relational database.

-note that it is just a diagram-

Database Design Steps
1. Determine the entities to be modeled as tables in the database.
2. Determine the field(s) that belong to each entity table in the database.
3. Identify the primary key(s) of each entity table in the database.

4. Determine the relationships between the entities modeled in the database.
5. Modify 1:M relationships by add the primary key of the 1 side as a foreign key on the many side.

6. Modify M:M relationships by creating a new table called a relationship table by adding the primary keys from both sides of the relationship to the new table.

7. Finalize the database design diagram.

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DATABASE DESIGN Below is the database design for Medical cli... blur-text-image
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Answered: 3 weeks ago