Review case study Project Auditing, Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD): Five Failures and Counting. Once you have reviewed the case study, answer the following
Review case study Project Auditing, Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD): Five Failures and Counting. Once you have reviewed the case study, answer the following questions:
Do you think this was a financial audit, a project audit, or a management audit? Why?
Was the purpose of the audit to exert cybernetic control, go/no-go control, or post project control? Explain?
Given the comments in the case, do you surmise that the reason for the audit was to improve future projects or to ascertain the reasons for not meeting the project’s goals, and if the latter, its direct goals or ancillary goals?
Do you think the GAO was the best choice for an audit team? Would it have the trust of the project personnel?
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