If the amplifier indicated by the box input impedance of oo, which of the following statements are true ? has an open loop gain
If the amplifier indicated by the box input impedance of oo, which of the following statements are true ? has an open loop gain as well as Feedback factor (\beta = 1/ R_1\) The feedback is voltage sampling, current mixing \(v_o = v_i (-R_2/R_1)\) O (v_o = v_i (1+ R_2/R_1)\) Feedback factor (\beta = 1/ R_2\) The input voltage to the amplifier is 0 Feedback factor \(\beta = R_1/(R_1 + R_2)\) The circuit is that of a transimpedance amplifier The feedback is voltage sampling, voltage mixing. The circuit is that of a voltage amplifier ww- JA| = o0 R; = 00
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