3. Consider the following data for two catalysts, A and B. The temperature is 25 C and the reaction occurs at standard conditions. a.
3. Consider the following data for two catalysts, A and B. The temperature is 25 C and the reaction occurs at standard conditions. a. Make a Tafel plot and determine the Tafel slope. Estimate the exchange current for each material. b. Plot both catalysts' current-voltage responses from -1.5 to 1.5 V vs Eeq using the Butler Volmer equation, assuming the Tafel slope from (a) applies in both the cathodic and anodic directions. c. Which material is a better catalyst? How much voltage is saved by the better catalyst if your process operates at 45 mA/cm? d. Explain qualitatively what happens when (i) temperature increases, (ii) catalyst surface area increases, and (iii) solution/series resistance becomes significant. E-Eeq Catalyst A current (mA/cm) Catalyst B current (mA/cm) 0 0.7 2.4 0.1 1.5 5.1 0.2 2.4 8.4 0.3 3.5 12.9 0.4 4.9 19.2 0.5 6.5 26.7 0.6 8.7 36.1 0.7 10.9 46.8 0.8 14.7 56.8 0.9 18.6 72.0 1 23.6 91.3 1.1 30.0 115.7 1.2 38.0 146.7
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