4. Consider the RC circuit shown below: R C C2 The capacitors are connected in parallel. Use C = 120 F, C = 30F,
4. Consider the RC circuit shown below: R C C2 The capacitors are connected in parallel. Use C = 120 F, C = 30F, R = 5002, and = 40V. The capacitors are initially uncharged and at t=0 the switch is closed, allowing current to flow. a) What is the time constant of the system? b) At an arbitrary time, how is the voltage of C related to the voltage of C2? c) At an arbitrary time, how is the charge stored by C related to the charge stored by C2? How is the current through C related to the current through C2? What fraction of the current through the battery flows through C? What fraction flows through C? d) What is the voltage of C and the voltage of C2 as t 0?
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