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A gallon of paint covers 422 square feet and costs $29.85. Using flowgorithm determine and display the amount of paint it will take to

A gallon of paint covers 422 square feet and costs $29.85. Using flowgorithm determine and display the amount

A gallon of paint covers 422 square feet and costs $29.85. Using flowgorithm determine and display the amount of paint it will take to paint a fence of a specified height and length, the fence is solid not rails. Your flowgorithm should perform the following tasks: Declare all required variables Declare constants and initialize them Prompt for the input of the fence height Prompt for the input of the fence length Calculate the total square feet to be painted Calculate the required number of gallons of paint required, you cannot purchase a partial gallon of paint** Display, with appropriate output labels, the total square feet to be painted, the number of gallons of paint needed and the total cost of the paint Ask if a second estimate needs to be made (keep program running until told to stop) **modulo operator perhaps

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Certainly I can provide you with a Flowgorithmlike outline of the program to calculate the amount of ... blur-text-image

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