406 The following results for a wastewater sample were determined at 20C. For a sample (to be selected by instructor) determine the ultimate carbonaceous
406 The following results for a wastewater sample were determined at 20C. For a sample (to be selected by instructor) determine the ultimate carbonaceous oxygen demand, the ultimate nitrogenous oxygen demand (NOD), the carbonaceous BOD reaction-rate constant (k), and the nitrogenous NOD reaction-rate constant (k). Determine k(0 = 1.05) and k,(0 = 1.08) at 25C. Time, d 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 olar 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 0 18 26 30 33 56 69 77 82 84 87 90 91.5 92.5 93 94 94.5 BOD, mg/L Sample number 2 0 30 43 52 58 60 90 104 114 120 125 135 142 147 148 149 3 0 45 75 95 114 135 144 149 151 152 152 170 239 260 268 271 150272 4 0 36 58 70 80 90 98 102 145 170 182 210 222 233 239 240 241 INIC
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