A trunk of cone made of Aluminum (E = 70 GPa) and fixed between two rigid walls and without any preloading or thermal input
A trunk of cone made of Aluminum (E = 70 GPa) and fixed between two rigid walls and without any preloading or thermal input is uniaxially loaded with a force of magnitude of 100 N at point C (300 mm away from wall A and 200 mm away from wall B). Given that the diameter of the trunk of cone at A is 50 mm, the diameter of the trunk of cone at B is 20 mm, and the orientation of the x-axis is horizontal with origin at A, determine: 100 N 50 mm 20 mm A 300 mm C 200 mm B a) The geometric constraint equation. b) The support reactions at A and B. c) The internal normal forces between AC and CB. [1 point] [16 points] [4 points] d) The internal normal stress as a function of x ( (x)) for any x between A and B. [4 points]
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