a well-insulated storage tank was pressurized under ideal gas conditions by air flowing into the tank. We used the first law to estimate the
a well-insulated storage tank was pressurized under ideal gas conditions by air flowing into the tank. We used the first law to estimate the final temperature of the gas in the tank, Tf,tank- = We now want to consider the opposite scenario, where an ideal gas in a well-insulated storage tank is allowed to escape (leak?) into a lower pressure infinite reservoir. Again, the gas will be air with Cp = 7R/2 and MW 29 g/mol. The air originally in the tank is at Po,tank = 10 atm and To,tank = 20C, and the external reservoir is also at Tres = 20C. Assume that the temperature of the gas coming out of the tank is at the temperature of the reservoir: Tout = Tres 20C. The final pressure in the tank Pf,tank = 2 atm. The internal energy and enthalpy are given as u = = Using the 1st law, calculate the expected final temperature of the gas CyT and h = CpT. in tank, Tf,tank-
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