An organic acid P (C1H2O) can easily be oxidized to a dibasic acid which reacts with ethylene glycol to produce a polymer dacron. Upon
An organic acid P (C1H2O) can easily be oxidized to a dibasic acid which reacts with ethylene glycol to produce a polymer dacron. Upon ozonolysis, P gives an aliphatic ketone as one of the products. P undergoes the following reaction sequences to furnish R via Q. The compound P also undergoes another set of reactions to produce S. (A) 1) H/Pd-C 2) NH, /A 3) Br./NaOH The compound R is (C) S 4) CHCI,, KOH,A 5) H/Pd-C P COH COH 1) H/Pd-C 2) SOCI, 3) MeMgBr, CdCl 4) NaBH 1) HCI 2) Mg/Et0 3) CO, (dry ice) 4) H,0 (B) (D) R HOC. COH
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