Logical fallacies are frequently used in arguments and have an intuitive appeal that makes them effective for politicians to use. Using your understanding of
Logical fallacies are frequently used in arguments and have an intuitive appeal that makes them effective for politicians to use. Using your understanding of fallacies, you will listen to and take notes of a political speech and discuss how fallacies were used in the speech. Prompt Politicians use logical fallacies to persuade listeners during their speeches. For this assignment, watch a public speech by a politician (any politician will do) and take notes about any logical fallacies that they use during their speech. construct a paper that identifies five fallacies in their argument. Your paper should address the following: . Quote and correctly identify the type of fallacy used Discuss why the argument is a fallacy and how it seeks to persuade listeners. . Reframe the fallacies using different terms to show why the argument does not make sense. Discuss how and if the argument could be restated to avoid the fallacy. Once rephrased, is the argument still sound? .
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Analyzing Logical Fallacies in a Political Speech Introduction Politicians often employ persuasive tactics in their speeches to sway public opinion and garner support One common technique is the use o...![blur-text-image](https://dsd5zvtm8ll6.cloudfront.net/includes/images/document_product_info/blur-text-image.webp)
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