Consider the following network with assiciated IP Address, MAC Address and ARP/MAC table information PC 1 PC 2 Switch 1 10/10 10/20 PC 1
Consider the following network with assiciated IP Address, MAC Address and ARP/MAC table information PC 1 PC 2 Switch 1 10/10 10/20 PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 Router 1011 Switch Interface Configuration Details Device Interface VLAN f0/1.10 10 Router 1 f0/1.20 20 99 10/1 10/1.99 f0/1 10/10 10/11 f0/20 f0/22 vlan99 F011 10:22 MAC IP Trunk 10 10 20 20 99 Advantage: Disadvantage: PC S PC 4 PC 1 IP PC ARP Tables MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:99 PC 2 IP MAC Empty PC 3 IP Empty PC 4 IP Empty Router 1 IP MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:99 IP aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:99 aa:bb:cc:dd:ce:99 aa:bb:cc:dd:00:99 aa:bb:cc:dd:ff:01 aa:bb:cc:dd:ff:02 aa:bb:ce:dd:ff:03 aa:bb:cc:dd:ff:04 MAC MAC MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ff:01 MAC Switch 1 MAC Table a) When a packet from PC1 to PC4 traverses the trunk link from Switch 1 to Router 1, fill in the following information as seen in the packet headers Source Destination Port aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:99 f0/1 aa:bb:cc:dd:ff:01 10/10 (2 marks) b) Nominate one advantage and one disadvantage of a layered network protocol architecture?
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This is the answer MAC IP Source Destination aabbccddff01 aabbccddff99 192...83% of Computer Science Students Improved their GPA!
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