Given a database of the results of an election, find the number of seats won by each party. There are some rules to going
Given a database of the results of an election, find the number of seats won by each party. There are some rules to going about this: There are many constituencies in a state and many candidates who are contesting the election from each constituency. Each candidate belongs to a party. The candidate with the maximum number of votes in a given constituency wins for that constituency. The output should be in the following format: Party Seats_won The ordering should be in the order of seats won in descending order. Schema There are 2 tables: Candidates and Results. Candidates Name Description id INTEGER It is the primary key. gender STRING The gender of the candidate. age INTEGER Age of the candidate. party STRING The party to which the candidate belongs to. Results Name Description constituency_id INTEGER It is the constituency to which the candidate is contesting from. candidate_id INTEGER It is the primary key. votes INTEGER The number of votes won by the candidate. v Sample Data Tables Candidates id gender age party 1 M 55 Democratic M 51 Democratic 3 F 62 Democratic M 60 Republic F 61 Republic F 58 Republic Results constituency_id candidate_id votes 1 1 847529 1 4 283409 2 293841 5 394385 3 3 429084 3 6 303890 Expected Output: Democratic 2 Republic 1 2. 2. 2. 4.
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