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Exit strategy recommendations and plan: Outline your change management strategy for transition after the acquisition. Specifically, you must address the following criteria: Change management strategy:
Exit strategy recommendations and plan: Outline your change management strategy for transition after the acquisition.
Specifically, you must address the following criteria:
- Change management strategy: Using Kotter's change model as a guide, explain each step of the change management strategy that you recommend. Your response should address the following:
- How will you create a sense of urgency?
- How will the guiding coalition continue to guide the change? Who will they impact? Identify which critical tasks from the acquisition road map the guiding coalition should complete. Also, determine the expected timelines for these tasks to be completed.
- What is your strategic vision for the company, its operations, and its employees after the acquisition?
- What is the plan for enlisting a group of employees to get other employees united around the common vision?
- What barriers to change do you foresee? How do you plan to remove them?
- How will you track progress?
- How will you communicate short-term wins?
- Summary: Summarize your strategy and assessment of risks.
- Describe the overall strategy that you recommend for the organization's acquisition goals.
- Explain how the strategy will fit in the business environment of the oncology market segment in the pharmaceutical industry. Consider using an external business environment analysis to inform your conclusions.
- Risks: Identify three potential risks that may be associated with your recommendation and explain steps the organization can take to mitigate those risks.
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To craft an effective exit strategy recommendation and change management plan postacquisition youll use Kotters 8Step Change Model as a guide Heres a breakdown of how to address each criterion 1 Chang...
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