Q: Create a conclusion to following work. Hotels form an uninterrupted narrative of a story, filling guests with emotions that define their stay. They have ceased
Create a conclusion to following work.
Hotels form an uninterrupted narrative of a ‘story’, filling guests with emotions that define their stay. They have ceased to be considered one-dimensional places of stay, but they have rather become places that give visitors the opportunity to get in touch with the culture of the area they are visiting, to open new fields of knowledge, to feel, discover, relax, and even self-reflect through new experiences.
Nowadays, a hotel is not designed linearly or solely on the basis of aesthetics and functionality; on the contrary, proper design takes into consideration all aspects of the visitor’s stay, both tangible and emotional. And, of course, it ends with one key goal: to create unique experiences for the traveler
The new philosophy on how hotels are made has also changed the way architectural design is approached. The architect now studies, designs, and decodes the storytelling of the hotel through the design process. While designing, he answers the question: ‘what story do you want your hotel to tell?’ Consequently, the storytelling of a property is defined by the hotel concept, which becomes the cornerstone of the building – literally and metaphorically. The hotel concept shapes the identity of the hotel and analyzes in detail the semantics surrounding the guest experience. The volumes, the forms, the functionality, the materials, and their combination, give flesh and bones to the story of the hotel.
How the external areas/outer envelope of the hotel contribute to the overall theme of the hotel.
1.Describe how the external areas/outer envelope of the hotel contribute to the overall theme of the hotel. How effective is the theme that is being portrayed? What elements of the outer envelope would you renovate? To what extent and why? (15)
According to David M. Stipanuk (2015: 363) “The building envelope consists of all the building’s exterior elements: the foundation, structural frame, exterior walls (including doors and windows), and roof, the various parts of a building must work together. The functions of a building are to provide usable space and shelter people, equipment, fixtures, and furnishings from the weather. Wind, rain, snow, heat, and cold are excluded or managed by the building’s envelope.” The various aspects that make up the design of a hotel all alternatively play a role in the attraction and satisfaction of guests/customers overall experience at an establishment
The external areas of the Cape Grace hotel consist of traditional structures which portray the rich history of the area. Ancient architecture is valuable and it helps to create the theme of luxury. Areas of the outer envelope that need renovation include careful restoration of the historical masonry work to fix areas that have undergone weathering or corrosion due to the elements.
These hotels are a relatively new hotel type resulting from the continuous development of market segmentation trends in the lodging industry. The unique experience created by a theme hotel is the hotel's key competitive advantage and differentiator. This is the first quantitative study of theme elements to include empirical data. Using importance-performance analysis, it examines the perceived importance and performance of 10 theme-related attributes among hotel guests. The results indicate that a theme hotel's basic facilities and services are perceived as more important than its theme elements, and hotel guests are generally more satisfied with basic facilities and services than with theme elements. The findings suggest that theme culture should be further developed and enhanced in theme hotels.
Technologies that have been used in the management of the facility recommendations
2. 2. Identify and discuss technologies that have been used in the management of the facility. If no technologies have been used, make recommendations. Does the system that they are currently using need to be upgraded? How would you do this? If no upgrade is required, recommend an alternative that will equally assist the property to meet their technological needs. (15)
The Cape Grace hotel uses a customer management system to help visitors check and book rooms online. The system is effective since it helps the management keep the facilities occupied and prevent double booking. However, the system should be upgraded so that limit the number of families that use the facility at a time. Such measures can help prevent the spread of coronavirus by maximizing social distance.
Furthermore, In-room, distribution, messaging, reservations, revenue management, chat, operational… the list of technologies that occupy hoteliers these days could go on and on. Evaluating each technology is just as complicated. Does work with other systems that I am already using? This has been a key question, one that many hotels are still grappling with. Can my staff easily start using this technology? This question is especially relevant when evaluating property management systems, which often require months of complicated training. Will this technology set me up properly for the future? The list of considerations goes on, but one could argue that it all boils down to the technology's ease of use, both in terms of technical integrations and staff usability.
When upgrading / Purchasing Hotel Technology…things I would consider
1). User Adoption
No matter how elegant the technology, how many bells and whistles, if the technology isn't easy to implement and use on a day-to-day basis, user adoption suffers and the technology either won't be used properly or won't be used to its fullest. ).
2) Efficiency = Better Guest Service
When staff don't use technology correctly or completely, they are less efficient, and, therefore, less successful at serving guests. If you improve efficiency, you have fewer distractions for the staff so they can automatically start giving better guest service."
The easiest place to start increasing efficiency through integration is with your PMS. When evaluating a new PMS, hoteliers should ensure that the PMS is native cloud-based and non-restrictive in terms of number of integrations (note: one sure-fire way to know if the PMS platform is completely open is to see if it has a public, open API).
3) Save on Staffing Resources
Further, hotels that have technologies that can be easily adopted also avoid adding staff unnecessarily. For example, Hotel Uhland implemented the apaleo PMS along with Hotellistat for revenue management. Set up was complete in less than a day and the simple user interfaces that allowed them, for instance, to drag-and-drop pricing helped the property avoid adding more staff to manage channel distribution and rates.
4) Tech That Survives Turnover
It's common knowledge that the hotel industry has among the highest turnover rates of any industry. Estimates tend to fall in the 30% range. During high season, the effects of turnover are felt intensely. Usability is paramount, especially for core technologies, when turnover rates are high. It keeps existing employees happier and more effective when technology they rely on helps them speed up at critical low-staff periods and training is minimal for rapid onboarding with new staff.
With digital natives entering the hotel industry in greater numbers, the demand for better usability will grow and frustration with legacy systems will skyrocket. It makes sense to incorporate ease of use as a primary consideration for all tech integrations from here on out.
The environmental and sustainability efforts your property is following? recommendations for improvements and how to begin implementing sustainability initiatives? (10)
1.Describe the environmental and sustainability efforts your property is following? Provide recommendations for improvements (if they already have systems in place) or how to begin implementing sustainability initiatives? (10)
The hospitality industry is no stranger to competition. A staple of the industry is the constant need to adapt and take on new ways to appeal to target markets and encourage returning guests, while optimizing efficiency. In order to adjust to changing consumer demands, managing directors look to trends for direction on how to grow their business.
Sustainability is currently the hottest trend in the hospitality and tourism industries, backed up by findings that 75% of Millennials and Gen Zers prefer sustainable businesses and are willing to pay more for it. Sustainability is here to stay. Not only will this future-proof your business, but also help you gain a competitive edge.
What are sustainable, eco-friendly hotels?
Sustainable hotels are businesses that significantly reduce their environmental impact through green best-practices in maintenance, services, logistics, products, and supplies. The core elements revolve around reducing waste, saving energy, and cutting down on water usage.
There are many steps a hotel can take to move toward sustainability. Some of them are major capital expenditures, such as replacement of the HVAC system; others are easy to implement and even low-cost.
Why should hotels go green?
When hotels go green, they do less damage to the environment, lower costs, and win goodwill from guests.
Sustainability in the business world is essential to achieving growth and satisfying customers. Increasingly, consumers seek out green businesses and pay more for eco-friendly products and services. One in three consumers prefer sustainable brands, and the travel industry is taking note. TripAdvisor, for example, has developed its GreenLeaders Program showcasing hotels with environmentally-friendly best practices to conscientious travelers, such as hotels going green with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
Hotels can also expect to save a good deal of green by going green. Moving toward sustainability means reducing your energy and water consumption, as well as staffing for things like maintenance and guest services.
What efforts the Cape Grace hotel is following ?
. The key environmental protection measure taken by the Grace hotel is minimizing the amount of untreated effluent that leaks to the sea. They also sensitize guests so that they can avoid dumping waste in the sea. As a result, they minimize pollution of the sensitive aquatic environment. However, the hotel needs to take other measures to improve its sustainability. For instance, it can invest in biogas production and harnessing solar and wind energy to reduce the consumption of electricity.
Recommendations for improvements
1. Create a green team.
Ask interested employees in each department to participate in a ‘green team’ to take the lead in suggesting eco-friendly best practices in their area. This gives these employees a sense of ownership of green strategies, and more commitment to long-term adoption. Don’t forget to acknowledge their efforts, such as with a small stipend, a special luncheon, or gift cards.
2. Target low-hanging fruit to start.
Chances are your hotel or hotel group already has eco-friendly programs, but there is almost always room for improvement. Some ideas to consider:
1.Cut down on the use of plastic water bottles by offering hotel reward program members a reusable branded bottle.
2.Add a water-bottle filling station in the lobby.
3.Install additional towel racks in bathrooms to make it easy for guests to reuse towels. Create a sign encouraging reuse.
4.Make recycling options easy to spot. Replace outdated bins with worn recycling symbols and add bins near elevator banks so that guests pass them frequently.
3. Make the hiring and training process green.
Use phone calls for initial interviews instead of asking candidates to swing by — thus cutting down on fossil fuels — and use Skype or Facetime for face-to-face interviews. Instead of printing-out lengthy employee manuals or hiring forms, provide new employees with links to documentation in electronic format, or provide computer access on-site for those without home computers. Steer new applicants to online employment portals rather than requesting hard copy resumes. And be sure to highlight your hotel’s sustainability efforts in hiring materials so all new additions to your staff understand its priority in daily operations.
Ensure guest services are eco-friendly
4. Focus on efficiency.
This is the name of the game when it comes to a green corporate culture. Services ranging from remote check-in/check-out to keyless entry cut down on lost plastic key cards, reduces paper usage, and can even help minimize overstaffing — and the additional carbon emissions it causes.
5. Upgrade your transportation offerings and services with sustainability in mind.
Add electric vehicle charging stations for guests with electric or hybrid cars. Consider eBike and eScooter rental options to promote sustainable transportation (be sure to provide helmets for guests). Provide group shuttles (using hybrid or electric vehicles) to public transit hubs to cut down on the number of low-occupancy car trips to and from your hotel.
Make guest rooms more green
6. Automate conservation.
Sustainability efforts in guest rooms have evolved beyond cards reminding guests to reuse towels, turn off the AC, or hit the light switch on the way out. Today, many hotels are taking the guesswork out with technology:
Smart showers limit the length of showers to a pre-set time, alerting users when their time is almost over.
Room sensors automatically detect light levels, increasing and reducing the bulb brightness.
Thermostats with occupancy sensors adjust heating and AC temperatures. Utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, these same room amenities can be connected to apps so guests can change settings remotely.
7. Furnish rooms sustainably.
In addition to smart technology, make smart choices in furnishing guest rooms with natural fiber sheets and furniture made of sustainable materials. Stock the room with reusable coffee mugs and glasses rather than plasticware, paper, or styrofoam. In the bathroom, provide natural and organic free-trade soaps and shampoos from certified green manufacturers in biodegradable packaging.
Make food services eco-friendly
8. Reduce waste during events.
Cut down on the number of trash receptacles at your event venue while increasing the amount of recycling options to force attendees to dispose of their waste thoughtfully. Make it easy for guests to recycle by clearly marking and positioning recyclable containers for paper, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles.
9. Incorporate reusable dishes, silverware, glasses and mugs.
This cuts down on the use of straws, plastic serving-ware, and paper plates at your facility. You’ll also save money in lower supply costs and waste management (the less your hotel throws out, the lower the cost for trash hauling). Replace single portions of cereal, yogurt, and jam at your breakfast bar with glass containers to further minimize waste.
10. Shop local.
Source from nearby growers and food providers. It’s a great way to support area farmers while also reducing the carbon emissions caused when you truck-in food from a distance. Menu selections should incorporate sustainable offerings, including vegetarian and vegan items that take fewer resources to produce than meat.
11. Compost and donate food from your kitchen.
Establish processes to compost waste, which can in turn support sustainable gardening practices. Additionally, unused or leftover food can be donated to various local and national food banks and programs like America’s Second Harvest.
Make the gift shop green
12. Stock-up with sustainable items.
When choosing which products to sell, or which manufacturers to use for branded apparel and gifts, look at green certified businesses. Explore ethical clothing companies, fair trade accessories, and even ethical travel gear.
13. Operate with efficiency.
In terms of hotel gift shop operations, monitoring occupancy levels at your hotel will help staff the shop properly, cutting down on staff transportation emissions. Sensor lights can automatically dim and brighten at different times of the day, and sensor thermostats can keep the shop comfortable.
For display cases, sensors on doors can brighten interiors when opened, and there are environmentally-friendly point of sale systems that cut down on electricity and paper for receipts.
And by all means, ditch plastic bags for compostable bags or convenient reusable ones that can be returned to the desk or placed in drop boxes.
A renovation project in the hotel industry aims to improve the guest experience, increase resilience, and manage the individual hotel room renovation cost. Using modern materials and technologies allows owners to improve their thermal, noise, and energy performance.
The Renovation Cycle: When Is It Time to Renovate?
Some experts state that hotels should be renovated every three years. However, Hotel Executive points out that there’s no hard and fast rule. Instead, renovations need to be carried out when a property needs to be upgraded in order to maintain revenues. This is often signaled by a drop in room occupancy, for example when hotel rooms or spaces look outdated because the carpet is worn out or the wallpaper is faded. In general, major room renovations that involve replacing wallpaper and carpeting, as well as adding a fresh coat of paint and replacing the furniture, are usually carried out every six to seven years. When it comes to food and beverage outlets, the renovation cycle is much shorter, as it’s driven by guests’ constantly changing preferences.
The structure of the Cape Grace hotel building is mainly made up of stones and the masonry work needs to be reinforced to protect it from natural disasters such as earthquakes. Earthquake proofing can be achieved through seismic retrofitting since it might not destroy the cultural heritage of the symbolic building.
Figure 3 Earthquake Proofing (iPhone, 2021)
Things to consider -
Investing in a renovation project that uses modern insulation will:
1.Lead to greater customer satisfaction which is a key revenue driver in the industry.
2.Provide energy savings with improved thermal retention from efficient passive barriers.
3.Increase the fire-resilience of the building with fire-safe stone wool insulation.
4.Limit the formation of mold and mildew by reducing the effect of condensation.
Renovation projects should focus on improving energy efficiency, decreasing the adverse health effects of noise, and supporting the health and wellbeing of visitors. Reduced energy use will help owners to cut operational costs and ensure they can maintain a healthy indoor or outdoor environment. It also improves the sustainability image for owners, helping them to demonstrate their commitment to sound environmental practices.
Did you know???- Smart Hotels
With a growing number of guests looking for hotels that provide the same personalization and connectivity as they enjoy at home, many properties are currently considering installing the systems, appliances and devices necessary to become a smart hotel. This isn’t simply a trend; it’s critical to remaining competitive. For some hotels, this may mean undergoing major renovations before the six- to seven-year renovation cycle is up. Moreover, depending on how quickly technology advances and guests’ preferences change, the renovation cycle may become even shorter in the future.
According to Sam Cicero, Jr., president of Cicero’s Development Corp., a general contractor specializing in hotel renovation, says there are precautionary warning signs that can tell hotel owners that a renovation is overdue.
1.Chipping or cracks on tile flooring, worn out carpets and scratched wooden floors. Besides looking tacky, damaged flooring can become a tripping hazard for guests. Because of heavy foot traffic a hotel’s floors are usually the first sign the property is decaying.
2.The dreaded bad online review. Guests who have a bad experience are much more likely to leave a review than those who enjoyed a positive experience. If reviews constantly mention the poor condition of the property, it is time to call a contractor.
3.Wasteful, energy-inefficient plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems. If you do not have LED lighting, low-flow showers, dual-flush toilets, EnergyStar® systems, and faucet aerators you are paying far more in utility costs than you could, and doing damage to the environment.
4.Hotel FF&E is damaged, dated or just plain dirty. FF&E extends itself to conference rooms, business centers, lobbies and other common areas. In addition to concerns about appearances, older FF&E may not meet life safety codes and standards for flammability, toxicity, and slip resistance.
5.Stale smells throughout the property. Although it may seem a small thing, bad smells speaks to an overall neglect of the hotel. No amount of air refresher is going to remove that unique blend of cigarette smoke, mold, dust, and body odor of past guests.
6.Year-over-year booking is down despite a strong economy. Are other hotels in your area hitting high occupancy levels while your property sputters?
Choose a Trusted General Contracting Firm for Your Hotel Renovation
When it’s time to renovate your hotel, you need a general contracting firm with a proven track record of successful projects.
The types of lighting used: Public & Guest rooms
It only takes a split second to make a good impression when a guest first enters a room, so its important to make it count with warm and inviting hospitality lighting.
The right light gives a hotel room a bright and friendly atmosphere. The wrong light can ruin a nicely decorated room. Here are some of the biggest reasons to focus on attractive and functional LED lighting for guests.
Influence Mood
Proper hospitality lighting influences the mood of guests. Well-positioned lights encourage positive feelings. LED lights mimic natural daylight, which is an improvement from yellow-hued traditional lights. Lighting that adjusts at night allows for a more restful sleep. Most fluorescent lights cannot be dimmed. LED lights offer many dimming options.
Activate the Senses
Bad lighting can make décor, food and furniture less appealing. Great lighting invigorates guests’ senses, even beyond sight.
Time should be taken to analyze the hospitality of lighting. Is it inviting? Does it promote a more engaged guest experience?
Luxurious rooms with thick duvet covers and fine furniture can be presented in the best way possible. Rich entrees and decadent desserts can be much more appetizing with proper LED light levels and colors.
Provide Convenience
If a guest needs to get work done and isn’t provided with the right lighting conditions, one could potentially lose a customer. Getting ready for a big night out on the town is much more difficult if the light is poor. Even reading a good book can be challenging without enough lamp illumination. Guests might not consciously notice these shortcomings, but they will certainly notice the convenience of good lighting when they find accommodations that do provide it.
5.Type of lighting
When thinking of lighting in a hotel, we should take into consideration the diversity of events that take place in a given space, be it a daytime conference or an evening wedding. Indeed, hotels now have a wide range of assorted facilities to manage: reception hall, restaurants, and corridors, hallways, guest rooms, and meeting spaces as well as service areas and recreation areas. It is critical to be able to adjust lighting, to change the color of a space, and its ambiance from bright and lively to warm and inviting as some of these facilities operate 24/7, and the operating costs adds up quickly.
i. public areas
Public areas have ambient lighting since guests need sufficient amount of light to interact and carry out other activities. Accent lighting might be included to highlight important sections, including those that have valuable artefacts so that they can attract people’s attention.
Public areas include ß
Hallways ß
Figure 4 Hotel hallway ( Source : standardpro.com) Figure 5 Hotel hallway (Source : standardpro.com)
these spaces are leading guests to their rooms. Adjusted lighting can reduce the “tunnel effect” and make the route more inviting and as well as safe for guests. In addition, hotel owners must respect strict emergency lighting regulations. Finally, hotel staff spends a great deal of time in these areas, so adjusting lighting levels for their comfort and to facilitate working efficiency are also important factors.
Downlights and ceiling mount luminaires can improve light levels while maintaining an inviting look.
Restaurants and Conference Rooms
an unmistakable, distinctive concept and design are particularly important aspects in the dining and entertainment areas: Lighting must emphasize the authenticity of the event, be it traditional, cool or exotic. Hotel lighting in these areas has to serve a wide range of purposes.
Downlights, ceiling mount luminaires, panels and slim bar lines help provide a variety of light sources.
Lobby and Reception ß
lobbies and reception areas are the two spaces in which hotels welcome their guests for the first time: Make them stand out. In these areas, a hotel has the opportunity to express its uniqueness as a brand through its architecture, its design, and ambiance. It is essential to incorporate flexible and controlled lighting options to create a specific atmosphere.
Because of their seamless sophistication, flexibility and beam distribution, downlights and traditional recessed fixtures are some of the most popular lighting choices for many hotel reception areas.
Bathroom A bathroom ceiling light is a light fixture or series of light fixtures located in the bathroom ceiling, usually at the center. Ceiling lights provide general lighting to the bathroom. General lighting is usually controlled by a switch near the door. A ceiling light helps you to become situated when you enter the bathroom, plus it provides background lighting for tasks at the mirror and counter. Rarely is the ceiling light the only source of light in the bathroom.
Wall Sconce Lights
Sconce lights are mounted in pairs, one on each side of the mirror and typically above the bathroom sink. Sconce lights mount directly to the wall and close to it. Shades block some or all of the light from shining in the user's eyes as he or she faces the mirror.
Sconce lights provide an excellent source of illumination because they add faint shadows to the face. This creates a better sense of dimension than lights pointed directly at the user's face.
Because sconce lights are usually situated at head level or a bit higher, they are more visible than other types of bathroom lighting. This visibility gives homeowners the opportunity to choose sconce lights with attractive shades so that the lights become style elements.
Guest rooms
Decorative lighting has been applied in guest rooms to give visual appeal. However, it is recommended that the rooms that have reading areas should have task lighting to prevent gusts from straining while reading.
A hotel room is no longer just a room to sleep in, it has now multiple functions: it’s also a place where we eat, work, and relax. The lighting layout needs to reflect the variety of uses and provide the correct light levels to meet all those functions. That is why it is important to include the 3 Basics Types of Lighting in guest rooms.
1.Ambient lighting
2.Task lighting
3.Accent lighting
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