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How are organization formal and informal structures impacted in organizational change? Provide some examples. Compare and contrast Lewin's Change Model with Kotter's Change model. (Show

  • How are organization "formal" and "informal" structures impacted in organizational change? Provide some examples.
  • Compare and contrast Lewin's Change Model with Kotter's Change model. (Show how they are similar and/or different)


You are not graded on which side of an issue you take up, but on how well you support your position via theories and concepts from the readings. The rubric for the assignment is broken into four parts.

  1. Educational Quality - This looks at the engaging quality of the post, how well thinking is stimulated, effective illustration of concepts, and/or additional resources leveraged to present perspective.
  2. Writing - This factors in the quality and organization of writing. Should be appropriate in form and function for a upper division course. It should feature a brief introduction (aimed to hook the reader), body/theme paragraphs (2-5 content rich paragraphs on relevant themes), and a conclusion that synthesizes and presents the so what of the post.
  3. Content - This looks at the adeptness at using the theoretical tools and depth of understanding of the content covered.


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