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index 1. a header area that has a title including your name and a sub heading that has a slogan or favorite saying or quote

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index 1. a header area that has a title including your name and a sub heading that has a slogan or favorite saying or quote 2. a navigation area that has links to the home page (index.html), and about me page (about.html) and a resume page (resume.html) 3. The body that has two "div" elements with different colors for the background for each div a. The first "div" element should include: i. a header that says "Bio: ii. an image of yourself (you can take a pic for this or use any pic you choose if you do not want to use your own image) ii. a paragraph with a description of who you are and a definition list () of your basic profile information (name, age, hometown, major, favorite book, tv show, song or play) iv. a link to the resume.html page b. the second "div" element should include i. a header that says "Interesting Sites:" i. two images that are used as anchor references a. the first image should link to the website for your academic department b. the second image should link to a social media website (Facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, etc.)

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