Loyalty Program Comparison Chart Directions: Use your research to complete the comparison chart below. Rank each program as directed. Complete the short answer prompts
Loyalty Program Comparison Chart Directions: Use your research to complete the comparison chart below. Rank each program as directed. Complete the short answer prompts to analyze your findings. Use complete sentences when addressing the short answer prompts. Name of Loyalty Program R Company name and related website RANKING address. Loyalty Program Incentive Structure and Cost Structure = points, miles traveled, $ spent, # of stays. Cost = monetary or in-kind cost the brand incurs for the incentives provided to the customer. Customer Rewards Explain what customers get/earn by participating in the loyalty program. Program Value Do rewards expire? Are there blackout dates or restrictions? Can rewards be shared or transferred? Program Effectiveness Discuss how effective the program is in producing brand loyalty. Citation of Sources Cite research sources using APA format. Program Ranking: Based upon your research, rank the loyalty programs you researched from 1-5 based upon your consumer preferences. Place your rankings in the Ranking column of the chart. Use 1 to indicate the loyalty program you think is most effective and 5 to indicate the program you think is least effective. Consider factors such a customer rewards and their value and the ease of use for customers when you rank each program. Short Answer Prompts: 1. Discuss which loyalty program would most appeal to you as a consumer. Justify your selection with specific examples. 2. Discuss which loyalty program would least appeal to you as a consumer. Justify your selection with specific examples. 3. Discuss which program you think does the best job of inspiring customer loyalty. Justify your selection with specific examples. 4. In your opinion, which company has the best program relative to the cost associated with the program and the program's overall effectiveness? Justify your selection with specific examples. 5. Imagine you are a hospitality industry owner. Based upon your research and what you have learned about customer loyalty programs, discuss whether you would adopt a loyalty program and what factors you think are most important to consider when formulating a program. 6. Explain how loyalty programs can be used to manage customer relationships. Provide specific industry examples to illustrate your ideas.
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Program Ranking Loyalty Programs Program Name Ranking Program A 1 Program B 2 Program C 3 Program D 4 Program E 5 Short Answer Prompts 1 Most Appealin...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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