Name Mech HW-79 1. Consider the four block-and-spring(s) systems shown at right. Each block moves on a horizontal, frictionless table. The blocks all ha Case
1. Consider the four block-and-spring(s) systems shown at right. Each block moves on a horizontal, frictionless table. The blocks all have the same mass m, and all of the springs are identical and ideal, with spring constant k. At the instant shown, each block is released from rest a distance A to the right of its equilibrium position (indicated by the dashed line). In case B, assume that each spring is at its equilibrium length when the block is at its equilibrium position. a. Name Rank the cases according to magnitude of the net force on the block at the instant shown, from largest to smallest. (Hint: In case C, how far was the point connecting the two springs displaced when the block was displaced a distance A?) Explain. Case A Case B w TA Case C m www TAA wwwwwwww m Case D www wwwwwww TA m A m Mech HW-79 b. Use your answers above to rank the cases according to the time it takes the block to return to its equilibrium position. Explain.
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To solve the problem lets analyze each case stepbystep Part a Ranking the Cases According to Magnitude of the Net Force Case A In Case A there is one ...83% of Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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