Program Milestones Milestone #1 - Selection GUI - Create Account/Login/Cancel Obtain a copy of Eclipse and complete Getting Started in Eclipse. Create your project in
Program Milestones Milestone #1 - Selection GUI - Create Account/Login/Cancel Obtain a copy of Eclipse and complete "Getting Started in Eclipse". Create your project in Eclipse and the package and class. Design and develop the CreateAccount/Login/Cancel interface. The buttons should function and create the appropriate window from a Class. Full functionality of createaccount and login is not required until the next milestone, but the interfaces should appear when the buttons are clicked.
The window should contain at a minimum, "Create Account", "Login", and "Cancel" buttons. Graphics enhance the interface for the user. Create the Design Document (Word/pdf) with descriptions, screen captures, and code at the end and submit it as Milestone #1.
A Program Title Graphic Cancel Create Account Login
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Milestone 1 Selection GUI Create AccountLoginCancel Objective Create a graphical user interface GUI in Eclipse featuring Create Account Login and Cancel buttons These buttons should open corresponding ...83% of Computer Science Students Improved their GPA!
Step: 2Unlock detailed examples and clear explanations to master concepts
Step: 3Unlock to practice, ask, and learn with real-world examples
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