Project management has been around ever since the time of the pyramids.However, today many organizations and industries are still struggling to understand and apply good
Project management has been around ever since the time of the pyramids.However, today many organizations and industries are still struggling to understand and apply good project management to their unique situations. In fact, within my group, we recognized that we have very few "true project managers" which impacts the level of process execution and deliverability for some of our projects. As a result, we will be adding some technical project skills training in 2024 to strengthen or project management skills.
I would like you to review the project managers job description provided in the text and then go to and search for project manager job openings. See how many jobs are found, and then review some of the job titles, companies, and job descriptions that are provided. Share your thoughts on the job posting requirements for real world project managers.
Here is a YouTube video on a day in the life of a Project manager - A Day in the Life of a Project Manager | Indeed - YouTube
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