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Provide a brief overview using these environmental scanning steps as a guide: 1. Choose an industry of your interest such as technology, healthcare, retail, energy,

Provide a brief overview using these environmental scanning steps as a guide:

1. Choose an industry of your interest such as technology, healthcare, retail, energy, etc.

2. Identify and briefly describe key external factors that are currently impacting the chosen industry. These factors may include economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental influences.

3. Research and analyze the competitive landscape within the chosen industry. Identify major competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, and any recent strategic moves they have made. Sources could include news articles, social media, etc.

4. Explore recent and ongoing changes in the market that are affecting the industry. Identify emerging trends, consumer preferences, technological advancements, and any new opportunities that organizations within the industry can capitalize on. This insight can be found from consumer reviews (Amazon, Reddit threads), social media (ie: TikTok, Instagram), news articles, etc.

5. Based on your analysis, provide actionable recommendations for businesses operating within the selected industry. Suggest strategies that can help organizations navigate challenges and take advantage of opportunities.

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