Q1) What is the a3 Value Q2) What is the a7 Value Q3) What is the a4 Value Q4) What is the b3 Value Q5)
Q1) What is the a3 Value
Q2) What is the a7 Value
Q3) What is the a4 Value
Q4) What is the b3 Value
Q5) What is the b2 Value
Q6) What is the sign of 2nd constraint?
A pastry chef at a bakery wants to find the best mix of two cake recipes (Recipe 1 flour quality A & B in each recipe in order to maximize the Profit per cake recipe. Profit for recipes (Recipe 1 & Recipe 2) are shown in the last column of the table be Maximum availability of flour: quality A & quality B are shown in the table below. Minimum Demand for cake: Cake 1 & Cake 2 units are also listed in the table below. Formulate as LPP (But do not solve it).
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Solution Soln Given Impul f lour Sualily A ualily B Recipes oulput ccake Profi...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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