Question 1: (Suggested 250 words per section) 1.1 What items might Susan present to the GM regarding the value of a green program in
Question 1: (Suggested 250 words per section) 1.1 What items might Susan present to the GM regarding the value of a green program in addition to the potential for business such as CERES? 1.2 What Energy Saving engineering practices could the hotel employ in order to enhance their sustainability and reduce operating costs? 1.3 What Capex Items should the hotel consider adding in their next Budgetary Cycle? 1.4 How and why should the Hotel Staff be involved in the project?
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11 Value of a Green Program When presenting the value of a green program to the General Manager GM Susan should highlight several key points beyond the potential business opportunities such as those o...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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