The 32-kg spool of outer radius r, = 420 mm has a centroidal radius of gyration k = 265 mm and a central shaft
The 32-kg spool of outer radius r, = 420 mm has a centroidal radius of gyration k = 265 mm and a central shaft of radius r; = 155 mm. The spool is at rest on the incline when a tension T= 243 N is applied to the end of a cable which is wrapped securely around the central shaft as shown. Determine the acceleration a of the spool center G and the friction force F acting at the interface of the spool and incline. The friction coefficients there are u, = 0.28 and Hk = 0.19. The tension Tis applied parallel to the incline and the angle 0 = 19. The acceleration a and the force Fare both positive if up the incline, negative if down. , E -Hys H
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