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The binary: 10101010 is equivalent to _______ in decimal. 2. Write the following IPv6 address in the shortest possible format: 2001:0DE0:0000:DFE0:0000:000F:0000:0001 3. You have given

The binary: 10101010 is equivalent to _______ in decimal.

2. Write the following IPv6 address in the shortest possible format: 2001:0DE0:0000:DFE0:0000:000F:0000:0001

3. You have given the network IP Your company is opening 6 new branches and you need to create six subnets from the given IP. What will be the new subnet mask?

4. Your boss is complaining that her computer can't access the network file server. Your network IP address is You checked her computer TCP/IP settings and found the following: IP address:

Subnet mask:

Default Gateway:

Preferred DNS:

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1 The binary 10101010 is equivalent to in decimal To convert the binary number 10101010 to decimal follow these steps Write down the binary number and assign powers of 2 to each digit from right to le... blur-text-image
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