The rigid bar EBC is supported by two links AB and CD as shown in Figure 1. The Link AB is made of aluminum
The rigid bar EBC is supported by two links AB and CD as shown in Figure 1. The Link AB is made of aluminum (E = 70 GPa) and the link CD is made of steel (E = 200 GPa). Both links have a Width = 30 mm x thickness= 5 mm rectangular cross-section. Each of the four pins A, B, C and D has a 7 mm diameter. For the 15 KN force at point E, E 3 m B Force Figure 1 500 mm. 2 m C W mm W mm A D a) Determine the reaction of link CD in KN. KN Please insert - sign if it indicates the compressive force. b) Determine the reaction of link AB in KN. KN Please insert - sign if it indicates the compressive force. c) determine the maximum stress in the link CD in MPa. OCD = MPa Please insert - sign if it indicates the compressive stress. d) determine the maximum stress in the link AB in MPa. AB = MPa Please insert-sign if it indicates the compressivestress. e) Determine the change in length of link AB in mm AB mm Please insert - sign if it indicates Shortened. f) Determine the change in length of link CD in mm OCD = mm Please insert - sign if it indicates Shortened. g) Determine the bearing stress at D in member CD = MPa h) Determine the maximum shear stress in the pin at A in MPa. Ta MPa
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