The Signature Assignment Project is an integrative project focusing the application of the concepts/ideas from the course. you are to engage in an original integrative
The Signature Assignment Project is an integrative project focusing the application of the concepts/ideas from the course. you are to engage in an original integrative project presenting their overall knowledge of and ability to apply the course materials. Please use critical thinking to understand international management issues and measures for their solutions in international business.
Your assignment is to do no less than five paper pages double spaced (APA not graded but recommended). In your assignment, you are to develop a management plan for the Asia division of a U.S. food company. This plan can be based on a real organization or one you plan to develop. You must cite a minimum of eight (8) sources in the body of your assignment and include your sources in your references. In your management plan, explain and discuss the following:
1. Describe the company and the unit.
2. Discuss the company's mission and its social responsibility.
3. What is the role of global manager in this company?
4. What is the current performance of this division within the company?
5. Describe your business strategy for Asia division.
6. Discuss the decision making model and negotiation method in this division.
7. What are the performance indicators for the Asia market next year? Why were these goals selected? 8. What is the role for the Global Management Team in this company?
9. Are there any culture issues in implementing the plan, for example, what is the labor relationship with the local workforce? Explain.
10. How would you manage the company and unit in a digitized global environment?
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To develop a comprehensive management plan for the Asia division of a US food company you can follow this structure 1 Company and Unit Description Company Overview Provide a brief history core product...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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