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Two days after talking with Karen, Daniel received a packet of information from the mayor s office. The information included news clippings, minutes from community
Two days after talking with Karen, Daniel received a packet of information from the mayors office. The information included news clippings, minutes from community meetings, and the telephone numbers of major neighborhood figures involved in the dispute. Daniel studied the packet for several hours and then contacted Carl, who had been very vocal about not wanting the light rail extended into his neighborhood.
Carl told Daniel, I heard that you were getting involved in this situation, but frankly, Im not very hopeful. It seems clear cut: either we protect the neighborhood, or we have a light rail stop and all the muggers and panhandlers move in
Daniel replied, I understand you feel pretty strongly that this is a winlose situation. What Id like to do though, is get more information from everyone involved to see if its possible for us all to sit down together and have a discussion. Ill share what I put together with you and everyone else so you can be sure its accurate before committing to anything.
Carl agreed to talk with Daniel.
Based on Daniel's statements, which step of the conflict analysis process will be completed last?
Daniel will create a conflict map.
Daniel will talk with each of the involved parties separately.
Daniel will hold a joint meeting with all of the involved parties.
Daniel will gather data about the conflict.
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To determine which step of the conflict analysis process Daniel will complete last lets consider the ...
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