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- Using the ASCII code 2 1 9 , print a white block on the screen. Using the up / down keys on the keyboard,

- Using the ASCII code 219, print a white block on the screen. Using the up/down keys on the
keyboard, the user can change the color of the block.
- Once the 'Enter' key is pressed, the block takes its final color and a new block appears. The whole
process repeats itself.
- Once the user hits the 'Space' key, a list is printed showing the count of each color as follows:
- Green Blocks: 2
- White Blocks: 2
- Red Blocks: 2
- Blue Blocks: 2
- Yellow Blocks: 2
- The code should provide a minimum of 5 colors for the user to choose from
- The process is repeated indefinitely until the 'Space' key is pressed
- If the first line is filled with blocks, a new block should be appended in a new line using assembly 8086 on emu8086

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