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What program do you work with that has a budget? Navy JROTC Who helps to determine how the funds are allocated and spent? US Navy

What program do you work with that has a budget?


Who helps to determine how the funds are allocated and spent?

US Navy and St. Elizabeth ISD

How did you find out the budget amount? Does this amount fluctuate from year to year?

Budget is issued by the U.S. Navy and San Elizario ISD. The amount fluctuates per quarter for the Navy and stays the same annually for SEISD.

What determines the budget amount? How are the needs assessed and analyzed?

Funding is based on unit size and contributes to various costs, i.e. uniforms and uniform maintenance.

Are there restrictions to what can be purchased/funded with the budget?

There are restrictions based on the type of funding provided and what it can be used for.

How do you determine what the funds will be used to purchase?

Based on unit needs

Does the program generate any funding that adds to the budget? If so, how are the funds generated?

The unit generates funding through fundraising which is used for various costs that are not allowed through the other funding.

How is the budget aligned to the school's mission and values?

The budget helps to improve the NJROTC unit through various exposure to military type training and visitation of military bases for continued exposure. This helps students make an educated decision into military life and whether that is the route they want to take after high school.

How does the budget support the success of students?

Funding pays for unit costs that support the unit's agenda to produce better citizens.

What does the reconciliation process look like each month for this budget? How many people are involved?

The budget is balanced quarterly between the unit Commander and SEISD. Only two people are involved in this process.

Based on the responses above to the interview conducted with the Navy ROTC instructor, can you give a brief description and summary of how you would apply this interview to your future professional practice as a school administrator?

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