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Assets Cubed Powerful Principles For Developing A Personal Wealth Plan(1st Edition)


Anthony Humpage, George W Paiva

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ISBN: 1545231397, 978-1545231395

Book publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 19, 2017)

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Assets Cubed Powerful Principles For Developing A Personal Wealth Plan 1st Edition Summary: Be the Hero of Your Financial Journey.“No one will care more about your wealth, or take better care of it, than you.”Assets Cubed is a revolutionary new approach to grow, protect and preserve wealth by taking a broader perspective—one that crosses and incorporates all asset classes. It consists of ten chapters designed to help you formulate and create your own personal wealth plan. Read Assets Cubed and take a quantum leap in your financial thinking…•While others will be prone to focusing on simply making more money, you’ll be looking at ways to build your asset portfolio, accumulate wealth and then take steps to protect it. •While others will give in to the temptation to over-allocate in a favored asset, you’ll strive for elements of liquidity, accessibility, portability, security and diversity in your assets so you are better prepared for the unexpected. •While others are trading and speculating, hoping to win big, you’ll be investing for the long haul and quietly building a formidable base of wealth.•While others are blindly relying on commissioned salespeople to manage their wealth, you’ll create and take ownership of your own wealth plan and trust yourself enough to do what’s in your best interests.Assets Cubed speaks to the examination of asset classes, asset allocation and asset protection viewed as a whole—not in isolation from one another—as is often the case. Why take an Assets Cubed approach to wealth? Here are five compelling reasons…Reason #1: No one will care more about your wealth, or take better care of it, than you. This is the cardinal theme of the book. Often, we are silently waiting for someone to take us by the hand and lead us to the financial Promised Land. That’s not how it works. Assets Cubed challenges us to take full ownership of our wealth and our life. It’s our race to run.Reason #2: True wealth isn’t just about how much you make, it’s about how much you keep. Most people are hustling to make another buck, while never giving any thought on how to grow and protect what they’ve worked so hard to get. A proper understanding of Assets Cubed keeps us focused on not only making more, but keeping more.Reason #3: Wealth is a means to an end, not an end to a means. Wealth is about freedom, opportunity and choices. Assets Cubed perfectly embodies this reality. No need to be wealthy and miserable. True wealth is about living a rich life, having a positive impact on others and leaving a legacy behind. Reason #4: There is no free lunch in life. As soon as you have something of value, someone will want it. The bigger your pie, the more people will believe they are entitled to a slice of it. From family and friends to ravenous attorneys and desperate governments, you must find ways to proactively protect your wealth from the hungry hands of others. Reason #5: There is strength in numbers and safety in diversity. Most of us have a tendency to over-allocate in assets we particularly enjoy or feel comfortable with. To be prepared for today’s reality, we need allocate across all the assets. This will ensure our wealth has sufficient aspects of liquidity, accessibility, portability and more. We live in complicated times. A cookie-cutter approach to wealth can leave us extremely vulnerable. Take ownership of your financial future and see wealth in a whole new light with Assets Cubed