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Intelligent Courage Natural Resource Careers That Make A Difference(1st Edition)


Michael E. Fraidenburg

Free intelligent courage natural resource careers that make a difference 1st edition michael e. fraidenburg
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ISBN: 979-8218115494

Book publisher: Cooperation Company

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Intelligent Courage Natural Resource Careers That Make A Difference 1st Edition Summary: Are you interested in creating a fulfilling career in natural resources? If so, you've come to the right place! Intelligent Courage is the ultimate guide for anyone seeking success in this exciting work.This book is different from other career guides. Instead of just offering vague advice and generic tips, it features the stories of 8 remarkable professionals who all achieved great success in their natural resource careers. Through their experiences, you'll learn practical, wise, and workable steps to excel in your own career.Intelligent Courage is the perfect resource for professors who need a seminar textbook, students who want real-world knowledge, and professionals who want to re-tool their careers. It presents:9 Keystone Issues every professional encounters12 Success attributes needed to manage these Keystone issues6 Premises for a career that is more than just a jobBut this book is more than just a collection of strategies and tips. It is also full of stories that illustrate the ups and downs of a natural resource career. You'll read about case histories from professionals who transformed problems into opportunities, skills for working with people, and advice for managing the difficult parts of a career.Most importantly, you'll learn the lessons these professionals learned in their careers that they were not taught in college.With Intelligent Courage as your guide, you'll be equipped to pursue a fulfilling career that aligns with your passions and interests. Whether you're just starting out or looking to make an existing career even more satisfying, the possibilities are endless.Don't settle for a career that doesn't fulfill you.Order your copy today and start building the career you truly want.