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Vector Calculus Vector Applications In Plane Analytical Geometry And Space(1st Edition)


Gabriel Gustavo Aguilar Loa

Free vector calculus vector applications in plane analytical geometry and space 1st edition gabriel gustavo
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ISBN: 6124924102, 978-6124924101

Book publisher: Biblioteca Nacional del Peru

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Vector Calculus Vector Applications In Plane Analytical Geometry And Space 1st Edition Summary: VECTOR CALCULUS- Book 2- Second PartVector Applications in Plane Analytical Geometry and space.Dear reader, BOOK 2 is the third book in the Collection FROM SCHOOL TO UNIVERSITY III of VECTORAL CALCULUS, and is made up of two books called: BOOK 2- First part. BOOK 2- Second part.Basic university Mathematics, especially the Introduction to mathematics for engineering, allows the student's training from the first cycles, in this sense, BOOK 2- Second part is the Calculation Book for engineers that allows to continue with this training process . It is made up of the following sections of Vector Applications in Plane Analytical Geometry and space:-Vectors in three-dimensional space. Straight and flat .-Surfaces in three-dimensional space .Each section with its respective NOTEBOOKS I and II. Which allow self-evaluation and constant practice, at all times directed by the authors, through the indications and suggestions found in the exercises. The objective is that you verify, internalize and confirm the knowledge acquired. You will enjoy your learning like the first books of Introduction to Mathematics for Engineering. It comprises two sections: Mathematical Communication and then Mathematical Modeling and Solving. The first contains theoretical questions in various modalities: mark true or false, with their respective justification; questions to answer concisely; Open questions; create an exercise according to discomfort; proof of theorems; reconstruct the statement from a graph or data and finally, the exercise is presented and they are asked to respond verbally (text only) without writing any formula and without developing it, allowing them to handle a mathematical language known as mathematical verbalization (like learning some language foreign). The second contains the proposed exercises and application problems, directed at all times by the authors. At the end of each NOTEBOOK we have a miscellany, which are exercises that combine various topics in the section (require greater mathematical proficiency). LET'S GO, IT'S TIME TO ENJOY THE "FEARED" MATHEMATICS!