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The American Housing Survey reported the following data on the number of times that owner-occupied and renter-occupied units had a water supply stoppage lasting 6

The American Housing Survey reported the following data on the number of times that owner-occupied and renter-occupied units had a water supply stoppage lasting 6 or more hours in the past 3 months (U.S. Census Bureau website, October 2012).
The American Housing Survey reported the following data on the

a. Define a random variable x = number of times that owner-occupied units had a water supply stoppage lasting 6 or more hours in the past 3 months and develop a probability distribution for the random variable. (Let x = 4 represent 4 or more times.)
b. Compute the expected value and variance for x.
c. Define a random variable y = number of times that renter-occupied units had a water supply stoppage lasting 6 or more hours in the past 3 months and develop a probability distribution for the random variable. (Let y = 4 represent 4 or more times.)
d. Compute the expected value and variance for y.
e. What observations can you make from a comparison of the number of water supply stoppages reported by owner-occupied units versus renter-occupied units?

Number of Units (1000s) Number of Times Owner Occupied Renter Occupied 439 1100 249 98 120 394 760 221 92 4 times or more

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ab cd e The expected number of times that owneroccup... blur-text-image
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