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While preparing Massie Miller's 2012 Schedule A, you review the following list of possible charitable deductions provided by Massie: Cash contribution to a family whose
While preparing Massie Miller's 2012 Schedule A, you review the following list of possible charitable deductions provided by Massie:
Cash contribution to a family whose house burned down.................................$1,000
Time while working as a volunteer at Food Bank
(5 hours 3 $50/hour)................................................................................250
Cash contribution to United Methodist Church (receipt provided).........................800
Cash contribution to Salvation Army (note from Massie: ''I can't
remember exactly the amount that I gave and I can't find the receipt.
I think it was around $500.'').....................................................................500
Total .............................................................................................$2,550
What would you say to Massie regarding her listed deductions? How much of the deduction is allowed for charitable contributions?
Cash contribution to a family whose house burned down.................................$1,000
Time while working as a volunteer at Food Bank
(5 hours 3 $50/hour)................................................................................250
Cash contribution to United Methodist Church (receipt provided).........................800
Cash contribution to Salvation Army (note from Massie: ''I can't
remember exactly the amount that I gave and I can't find the receipt.
I think it was around $500.'').....................................................................500
Total .............................................................................................$2,550
What would you say to Massie regarding her listed deductions? How much of the deduction is allowed for charitable contributions?
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Massie can take a charitable contribution deduction for 800 the cash contribution donated ...
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