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Write a computer program to assist with a task such as that of Prob. 914 with a rectangular weld bead pattern for a torsional shear
Write a computer program to assist with a task such as that of Prob. 9–14 with a rectangular weld bead pattern for a torsional shear joint. In doing so solicit the force F, the clearance a, and the largest allowable shear stress. Then, as part of an iterative loop, solicit the dimensions b and d of the rectangle. These can be your design variables. Output all the parameters after the leg size has been determined by computation. In effect this will be your adequacy assessment when you stop iterating. Include the figure of merit Ju / (hl) in the output. The fom and the leg size h with available width will give you a useful insight into the nature of this class of welds. Use your program to verify your solutions to Prob. 9–14.
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