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Alpine Thrills Ski Company recently expanded its manufacturing capacity. The firm will now be able to produce up to 15,000 pairs of cross-country skis of

Alpine Thrills Ski Company recently expanded its manufacturing capacity. The firm will now be able to produce up to 15,000 pairs of cross-country skis of either the mountaineering model or the touring model. The sales department assures management that it can sell between 9,000 and 13,000 units of either product this year. Because the models are very similar, the company will produce only one of the two models. The following information was compiled by the accounting department.

Alpine Thrills Ski Company recently expanded its manufacturing c

Fixed costs will total $369,600 if the mountaineering model is produced but will be only $316,800 if the touring model is produced. Alpine Thrills Ski Company is subject to a 40 percent income tax rate.
1. Compute the contribution-margin ratio for the touring model.
2. If Alpine Thrills Ski Company desires an after-tax net income of $22,080, how many pairs of touring skis will the company have to sell?
3. How much would the variable cost per unit of the touring model have to change before it had the same break-even point in units as the mountaineering model?
4. Suppose the variable cost per unit of touring skis decreases by 10 percent, and the total fixed cost of touring skis increases by 10 percent. Compute the new break-even point.
5. Suppose management decided to produce both products. If the two models are sold in equal proportions, and total fixed costs amount to $343,200, what is the firm€™s break-even point inunits?

Model Selling price per unt Variable costs per unit Mountaineering $88.00 52.80 Touring $8000 52.80

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1 Contribution margin ratio 8000 5280 8000 34 2 Number of units of sales required to earn ta... blur-text-image
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