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Chip enters Annas office one day, saying, I think the project will be a good one, even though its taking some long hours to get

Chip enters Anna’s office one day, saying, “I think the project will be a good one, even though it’s taking some long hours to get started.”

Anna looks up from her screen and smiles. “I like what you’ve done in getting us organized,” she says. “I hadn’t realized Micosoft Visio and Visible Analyst could help us this much with project management. I’ve decided to do a PERT diagram for the data gathering portion of the project. It should help us plan our time and work as a team on parallel activities.”

“Can I take a look at the PERT diagram?” asks Chip.

Anna shows him a screen with a PERT diagram on it (see Figure) and remarks, “This will help immensely. It is much easier than planning haphazardly.”

“I notice that you have Gather Reports, Gather Records and Data Capture Forms, and Gather Qualitative Documents as parallel tasks,” notes Chip, gazing at the screen.

1. Use Microsoft Visio or Visible Analyst to view the Gathering Information PERT diagram.

2. List all paths and calculate and determine the critical path for the Gathering Information PERT diagram.

3. Use Microsoft Visio or Visible Analyst to create the PERT diagram shown in Figure It represents the activities involved in interviewing the users and observing their offices.

1, 2 70 80 F. 4 G, 2 Н, 1 B, 1 C, 2 E, 3 A, 1 10 60 20 30 A Write objectives B Determine whom to interview C Wite quest

4. List all paths and calculate and determine the critical path for the Interviewing Users PERT diagram.

5. Use Visio or Visible Analyst to create a PERT diagram for creating system prototypes. The activity information is shown in Figure E3.3.

6. Create the problem definition for the CPU case. Read the interview with Hy Perteks in the CPU case found in Chapter 4 as well as the interviews found on the support Web site for Systems Analysis and Design. Go to and click the CPU Student Exercise link for the 8/e text. Then click the first link called CPU Interviews. You will need to read all five additional interviews. There is a Next link in the lower right corner of the Web page to go to the next interview.

7. Write user requirements for the CPU case.

8. Design a test plan for the requirements created in ExerciseE-7.

1, 2 70 80 F. 4 G, 2 , 1 B, 1 C, 2 E, 3 A, 1 10 60 20 30 A Write objectives B Determine whom to interview C Wite questions D Prepare interviewee E Interview senior management F Interview operations management G Record and analyze observations H Summarize management interviews I Summarize operations interviews D, 1 Dummy 50 40

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1 Refer to the Visible Analyst Unstructured Diagram called Pert ChartData Gathering 2 The paths are 102050608090 102050708090 103050608090 103050708090 104050608090 104050708090 The critical path is 1... blur-text-image
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