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Interpret the graph in Figure 6.18(b). Proceed as follows: (a) Find the slope of the straight line, including its units. (b) From Equation 6.6, R=1/2DpAv2,
Interpret the graph in Figure 6.18(b). Proceed as follows:
(a) Find the slope of the straight line, including its units.
(b) From Equation 6.6, R=1/2DpAv2, identify the theoretical slope of a graph of resistive force versus squared speed.
(c) Set the experimental and theoretical slopes equal to each other and proceed to calculate the drag coefficient of the filters. Use the value for the density of air listed on the book’s endpapers. Model the cross-sectional area of the filters as that of a circle of radius 10.5 cm.
(d) Arbitrarily choose the eighth data point on the graph and find its vertical separation from the line of best fit. Express this scatter as a percentage.
(e) In a short paragraph state what the graph demonstrates and compare it to the theoretical prediction. You will need to make reference to the quantities plotted on the axes, to the shape of the graph line, to the data points, and to the results of parts (c) and (d).
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a slope b slope 0160 N0 99 ms R DpAv c DpA00 D 00162 kgm 00162 kgm DPA 20016 2 k...
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