Middleton Spas provides the following data for the year just ended on December 31. Requirement Prepare the operating activities section of Middleton Spas' statement of
Prepare the operating activities section of Middleton Spas' statement of cash flows for the year just ended, using the direct method for operating cash flows.
Payment of long-term note payable. Depreciation expense Purchase of equipment with cash. Purchase of treasury stock Gain on sale of land . Cost of goods sold.. Proceeds from issuance of common stock.. Beginning balance, cash . $ 4,000 $ 4,400 Payments to employees. Proceeds from sale of land. Payment of dividends. Payments to suppliers.. Increase in salaries payable. Payment of income tax $ 64,000 $ 40,500 $ 9,500 $ 11,000 $ 12,500 $ 65,000 $ 1,000 $ 12,000 $ 9,500 $108,000 Collections from customers... $ 12,500 $153,000 Sales revenue $ 15,000 $167,000
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